There are quite a few options available online that you can choose from and take a print for your child to colour. If your child is starting to learn about tessellations, then colouring the tessellation patterns will be an ideal activity for them to start out. As they finish their tessellation designs, help them mount the final version to the paper using glue sticks. Using card stock, invite your child to cut various shapes to create a tessellating pattern.

Ask them to finish the pattern and colour it. Next, ask them to draw that shape again immediately next to the first shape. In one row, they can draw a simple shape that spans the entire height of the row, like a square. Give your child a plain sheet and colours and encourage them to create their own tessellation pattern. Get your child a tessellation puzzle, and all you need to do is sit and observe your child assemble them into one solid work of art! 3. Psst…Be ready to tolerate the occasional Legos under your foot! 2. Ask them to make symmetric patterns using their Legos. Make your child use their coloured building blocks as an awesome learning tool. So, let’s read about some activities on tessellation for kindergarten kids below. You will be happy to know that the theory part is now over, and it’s time to make your child practice and understand tessellations with the help of fun and engaging activities. Activities To Teach Your Kids Tessellations
Tessellation art project for high school series#
Not only do these shapes have any angles, but clearly, it is impossible to put a series of circles or ovals next to each other without a gap. Therefore, circles and ovals cannot tessellate. Only three regular polygons can form a tessellation by themselves – triangles, squares, and hexagons. So, in a tessellation, whenever two or more polygons meet at a point or at a particular vertex, the internal angles must add up to 360 degrees. Now that you know what tessellation is and its types, let’s learn what shapes can’t make tessellation patterns. Which Shapes Can’t Make Tessellation Patterns? Kids will have a fun time learning tessellation with the help of this activity.Line up all the shapes to make a colourful tessellation (remember no gaps) and glue them to a piece of coloured paper.Use these shapes to cut from the coloured paper.Take a tessellation template and cut pre-drawn shapes.Here is one such activity that you can perform at home to make your child understand the concept of tessellation. How exciting it will be for children if they get to engage in hands-on activities and learn about tessellations.